Sunday, January 26, 2020
Aircrafts Abstract: Aircrafts throughout their journeys need to be in contact with air traffic controllers. Long haul ocean crossing flights are increasing steadily every year due to growing demands. The increasing air traffic over the ocean is a serious concern for the controllers where the aircrafts are beyond the eye of the radar and ground stations that track their motion in air. The present communication between the cockpit and the controller is a high frequency radio communication where the position of the aircraft is sent to the air traffic controller through a third party radio operator who acts as an intermediary between them. Relatively the half duplex nature of the system and the use of a single frequency channel add complexity to the problem. Though the modern communications is going through an era where graphical interaction systems are being developed, the communication in an oceanic haul is still voice communication. This project focuses to improve and analyze the performance of data communications in exchanging information between the pilot and the controller in oceanic haul long routes. The controller pilot data link communications is taken for analysis in its performance in oceanic routes. Introduction: Aviation has seen rapid developments. Modern airliners are now heavily computerized monsters. They now fly higher and faster. The role of an air traffic control is massive in the field of aviation. Since they provide information about other planes approaching nearer to them and maintain spacing between planes. Pilots usually communicate with the controllers using radio aids that allow them to use normal voice communications, which is the very existing problem in the industry of aviation. Demand for air traffic has been increasing steadily in recent times. Increasing flights to the United States of America have led to the increase in air traffic over the oceans which have also intensified the job of the air controllers. With Nearly hundreds of carriers crossing the Atlantic every day, the responsibility of the air traffic control are huge, because they are the only point of reference to a pilot for navigating and knowing information about the traffic prevailing around him. The Traditional HF voice communication system has drawbacks which limits the points of communication between a pilot and an air traffic controller. Call sign confusion, interference and many more factors are hurdles to a good ground to air communications. Effective communication management is primary concern in developing co-operative multi user interaction systems. Each individual agent must know what, when and how to communicate. Effective Utilization of shared communication resources also should also be taken in to account, when there is limited resource available. This needs more attention when the demand exceeds the capacity of the system, and a priority is required This project focuses on how to improve communication between them, taking in to account various parameters that affect the transmission in a high frequency radio communication. Apart from, the attempt to replace traditional voice communication, to a text based communication using CPDLC (Controller Pilot Data Link Communication) in an oceanic haul is also developed,that would be a base to the future aviation researches . Background: The main idea is to achieve data link communication in a oceanic haul where there are no radar coverages and grond station contacts.This research was carried out in past ,over few years back.The CPDLC is a continuously on-going research project.Some of the old papers are still being researches to achieve text based information exchanges through datalink commnications.However due to the advent of growth in technology each and every day,advances in research also take a new shape than and there. This has motivated this project to evaluate the performance issues of applications in the aeronautical telecommunication networks ,which is the backbone network in aviation . Aims and Objectives : This thesis aims to : To develop a robust and reliable communication model using adhoc systems Research the various performance issues in using the ATN application CPDLC in long haul routes. The main objectives of this project is to Reduce the work load of the air traffic controllers by developing text data communications using adhoc networks Reduce workload for pilots Prevent congestion of air traffic Preventing air accidents due to misinterpretation of communications from the controller Research Methodology: The background for this thesis includes a lot of introduction and information about how ground to air communications take place.In order to review the present standards of communication,to analyze their nature and also to understand its properties ,a very intense search has been made and during this phase ,references to various technical publications ,articles expert opinions were read and references from various international organizations like ICAO and Eurocontrol were taken up to write this thesis.After careful analysis, performance analyziz was made and implementing text based communication was studied.The next part of this project will discuss all necessary things needed to understand this thesis. Literature survey : The History of communications in aviation is vast .We would be discussing only the current developments in modern technology and reviewing some of the applications developed in relations to this thesis. The standards in Aviation are monitored by certain governing bodies that are responsible for the safety and security of the air transport.The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is the major governing body and specialized agengy of the United Nations for standard and recommended procedures in civil aviation. Aeronautical telecommunication Network: ICAO having endorsed a proposal for the future communications in aviation that uses digital datalinks to supplement voice communication to provide a good and reliable communication,has led to the development of Aeronautical telecommunication network.It is an international infrastructure that manages digital data transfer between the aircraft and the air traffic control.In fact it is a dedicated network for aviation to provide seamless ground to air as well as ground to ground communication for the aircrafts.It is designed to support the increasing air traffic due to increasing demands. Development Of ATN: Air traffic management needed enhancements due to its rapid increase in traffic .as a result a single controller cannot handle such a large amount of traffic .Hence the concept of distributed traffic handling were followed by the controllers to handle the rising amount of traffic.Efforts were also taken to automate traffic handling.When critical analysis were made regarding the automation of traffic,it became apparent that air traffic automation requires more exchange of computer to computer data interchange that included transfers between aircraft and ground computers.Apart from that automation also required infrastructures that need to be integrated with aircraft and ground stations.The real automation of this air traffic could be possible only data computers rather than being independent processors were also a networking peers with their respective ground stations.These operational objectives when combined together led to a dedicated forming of a complete network exclusively for t he field of aviation,that came to be known as the Aeronautical telecommunications network. Data communications have been deployed both(air to ground and ground to ground ) for many years not only for air traffic management but also for administrative and ground operations.Besides the aeronautical telecommunications support a wide environment where tcket sales,crew duty rotas,weather forecasts are all done.Certain standards and protocols are used. The international air transport associationhave developed a set of OSI profiles called the aeronautical OSI profile,that can be used over the ATN. Benefits of ATN over the traditional networks: The ATN has scored over the traditional voice communications with a number of advantages that would make air travel more safe and secure.the following are some of the advantages over which Are described below: ATN offers more clarity in communications.As a result retransmission rate is reduced much and interpretation errors are minimized in a long distance communication The Communication channel is made use more effieciently to transmit data between the computers rather than usage of channel in voice communication. It gives increased possibility to connect two end users without knowing their locations in a global data communication network environment. It minimizes work load for the pilots and controllers ,since a number of preformatted and short text messages are available .These standard message are very well known to the pilots.These standards are globally fixed and they mean the same everywhere in world.Hence communication becomes easy ,eliminating misinterpretation errors completey. The multitude for accommodation of various ground systems like ATSC,AOC,AAC,APC are easily done using ATN. ATN provides a unique solution to satisfy a wide range of data communications therby providing much ease and effiecient useage of the available resources. It provides a robust an reliable service to achieve higher availability and integrity that should be need for an improved operational capability. It provides for timely exchange of ATS information between ground facility improving security and productivity of the entire system The above reasons justify that the ATN has unique features and its applications are widely important in both ground to air as well us ground to ground communications The ATN environment: Operating in a global environment is always a challenge for a network .The ATN is designed to operate in extreme environment considering rough weather and other circumstances.Apart from lot of constraints,the ATN has been designed to operate under four major situations .Each one is termed an element.The first element is to capability of the network to transfer data to an aircraft without the sender knowing where actually the aircraft is, in other words hidden identity.This network mobility is essentially the powerful feature of the Aeronautical telecommncation network.The next element is to use the available multiple links installed in aircraft simultaneously.In this case the specification of the cost,link and speed preferences are advised b the applications that ATN uses when forwarding the data to an air borne system.It is these preferences that determine which link to be chosen to send and receive data over the other available links.The third element is to accommodate all availabl e low bandwidth links both grond and airlinks in this case.These links are normally used to compress the data to be sent.The last element is the standardization of the applications and all services used by the ATN so that they remain the same throughout the world and do not cause further confusion in supporting applications. The ATN Mobility: An important feature in network is that all the other end users must know the availability of the datalinks so that congestion can be reduced.Hence it is necessary in a network to let to know the end users about the links and the multiple paths that reach all the aircraft airborne.Broadcasts in a network can lead to a serious problem of flooding. Hence inorder to satisfy network mobility the ATN designers have stipulated a concept called the backbone routing technology.This effiecient technology restricts the broadcasting of information to avoid flooding but at the same time allows the ground system to send information about the availability of the links and other information to the nearest aircraft that are with ints reach. This simple figure would easily demonstrate the backbone routing implementation. The router r0 is the aircraft router that is airborne.Now when it is necessary to communicate with the router R7 .the ground router has to update all the backbone routers that the aircraft is aavailable for contact.It is also noted that only the routers in home domain are updated and all the others remain unnoticed.Hence considering this situation R1 R2 R 3 are updated and the others are left unnoticed .. Hence routers not in home domain do not know what is happening. This helps to avoid flooding . The squares in the figure represent applications used by the ATN. The CPDLC application of the ATN is discussed in the later chapters as how messages are transferred.Here application H1 when needs to communicate with aircraft airborne,has the router R8 in the home.R 8 does not know any information about the aircraft,so it forwards to the nearsest backbone router R2.R2 knows the information about the aircraft hence it sends the data to R7 through R1. Thus data traverses.In similar case, application H2 needing to communicate sends the data to R16,From there the backbone router R5 takes over.But R5 does not have any information about the aircraft hence instead of forwarding the packet to R5 it sends to R4 and then the same process takes place. Both the aircraft and the ground routers at the ground station communicate using a protocol called inter domain routing protocol which forms the basis of this inter domain routing.This is the protocol that redistributes data over the entire networ k without causing flooding and thereby enabling all the communication . Now there is yet another to note in this backbone routing. Preference based routing is necessary to allow multiple paths in a network to be available simultaneously.Some applications may require quality of service for cost and safety for performance isues.In such cases it is required to route over the other available in this considered case,aircraft router has both VHF and satellite conection .In case if the VHF is not available then a satellite connection is used to transfer data . accordingly the aircraft router R9 will take its turn to send information through the router R4 which is in ground .all entries are stored in packets by the routers they pass through.By this the packets can be examined by the other router for the shortest path to be taken to the destined aircraft it should be sent.Thus the mobility of the ATN works,adding more reliability to the communication system . ACCOMODATION OF LOW BANDWIDTH : As specifeied earlier the design of ATN is designated to accommodate the low bandwidth froundlinks to the network.Accordingly,the throughput for the groundlnks to operate in ATN is expected to operate in a low bandwidth than the available system today.Hence a compression methodology has to be used for thi purpose.The present VDL2 comunication used in aeronautical communication a channel that can transfer 32 k bits / second is shared by multiple aircraft using the carrier sense multiple access method.It is a notable feature that ATN has let also multiple compressions to occur in its routers .The rate of compression is not a fixed one.It is determined when an aircraft enters the region of an ATN router .An open system interconnection network connectionless protocol is used for this kind of purposes.It reduces hundred bytes of header information to six btes.Another technique used to compress the header is the deflate technique.A deflate algorithm uses the similar kind of mechanisms used by the ZIP used in compressing text files.It compresses both the header and the data units available to the aircraft .this way by compressing the data units,low bandwidth channels are made use by the ATN effieciently. APPLICATIONS OF THE ATN: The standardization of ATN by the international civl aviation organisatio has led to the development of four applications.These four applications are of more significance in the aviation industry since they help in navigation of aircrafts when air borne .These applications are Context Management Automatic dependent surveillance system Controler pilot data link communications Digital-Inflight information system The digital inflight information system is used to get updates from the ground sation required for the flight such as weather udates and other traffic conditions in terminal area ehich is essential during landing The controller pilot data communications is a essential development and this thesis would deal mainly with this application that exactly replaces the voice communications with the data messages to the extent it could do . The automatic dependent surveillance system is highky essential for the transmission of digital information regarding the position of the aircraft to the radar at the ground station so that automated networks and systems can maintain adequate separation of aircrafts in air.The separation of aircrafts depending up on their size and type is an important consequence in the field of Aviation where it constitutes to the safety of the planes going at higher altitudes . Context management is another directional service,where specific features could be provided to the aircraft on logging in to that particular air traffic system,associated with the network address of the server at the ground station.Thus aircraft being guided till the terminal control are where the approach controller would take care after with the secondary radars being used for assistance . These applications would surely contribute to the effective communication between the controllers and the pilots who are air borne. The functionality of The Aeronautical Telecommunication Network : The functionality of an aeronautical network seems to be little when compared to that of voice transmission networks,but it offers more robust connectivity and more integrity in communication between two end systems that are either fixed or mobile or even adhoc,taking in to consideration for transition paths and end to end delays. ATN Components: Notably ATN supports many Full dupliex communication system. These are some of the supportable forms of the communications Airline systems and ATS systems Airline and aircraft systems ATS and aircraft systems ATS systems interconnected Airline syatems inter connected together Airline systems refer to the maintainence syatems that the airlines deploy such as dispatch deliveries and others whereas aircraft systems refer to the systems actually in aircraft that help to navigate the syatems The above figure shows the typical environment of an ATN Subnetworks,Routers and the Endsyatems are the major components that constitute to the building of an ATN. Subnetworks: Subnetworks which form a part of the comuication network. A subnetwok forms the major transferring medium between the sytems in the ATN.They are infact a major component of ATN .Usually packet switching netwrks are the subnetworks used in ATN. A lot of grond as well as air borne systems are equipped with capability of supporting this features in ATN. Subnetworks can be of two types. Ground to Ground (Fixed) Air to Ground (Mobile) Ground to Ground subnetworks are usually local are networks connecte with in subsytems .It can be the local airport network connected with the ATC to share weather and other advisory informations where there is no controllers employed for certain routes. Local area networks employed with token ring ,Ethernet FDDIare nowadays used as ground subnetworks Air to Ground networks are usually wide are networks .They are used when the air craft is air borne and hence communicates with the ATC controllers.Based up on the type of Network the ATN routers adapts itself to transfer the data packets between the adjacent subnetworks. The various air to ground subnetworks include Very High Frequency Subnetwork Satellite communication Mode S subnetwork HF subnetworks The HF and MODE S subnetworks are mostly used in short range communications.Mostly short haul flights that travel in the European continents are equipped with instruments that make use of the Mode S Subnetworks.Both the communications and the automatic dependent surveillance for spacing can be achieved with Mode S which is relatively cheap when compared others. HF Networks are much more similar networks but are used in relatively average haul flights which are in continuous contact with grund stations throughout their journeys with out any oceanic travel. Satellite communication and VHF networks are the physical transfer mediums used in Long haul oceanic flights .RElativekly costlier for communication but still used in modern days. Routers: The ATN routers play a major role in routing the packets to different subnetworks thus maintaining the integrity of the network.Since the air crafts change their course during their course of flight,the path taken in a network to reach that aircraft must be determined accordingly.It is the routers that decide the traversing of packets at any stage in network.The routing is performed on the basis of class of service the packets request and the availability of the links in the network. Dynamic routing is also supported by ATN ,allowing each router to update ,due to the changing courses taken overby flight and other failures occurring unexpectedly where an alternate path is chosen.Routers operate at the third layer of the OSI layer according to a set of predefined protocols.The necessary information to route the packet are present in the header of the encapsulated packet that a router that deals with. Routers in ATN can be broadly classified in to two types . Intra domain routers (static or dynamic) Inter domain routers The intra domain routers are local routers that are used in local domains and are not to global international standards.But the inter domain routers are all set to global international standards and can handle more traffic than inter domain routers . The ATN routers differ from the Normal routers by certai features that distinguish them.those are listed. In a ATN router there is a possibility of applying specific policies that enable the supporting of mobile communication providing effiecient air to ground routing The enhanced security system that ATN adheres to protect the tampering of data. Use of compression methods to accommodate low bandwidths in air to fround links and other data networks. Termination procedures and initialization of a new route when an aircraft enters the system or leaves is a major advantage in an ATN End syatem: These system integrate the host system with the network.all the application level services are coordinated to the host by these end systems to establish communications with the peer to peer system in network. They have the capacity to communicate with another subnetworks end systes in order to provide end to end communications to the ATN applictons that handle operations. It is for this purpose they have a seven ;ayered protocol stack that hosts appropriate communication services in support to the applications of the ATN. The above figure relates the constituent elements of the aeronautical telecommunication networks with the OSI layer protocol stack structures ,that helps in establishing peer to peer commuications with end systems. ATN domains : Unlike other networks ATN has also domains that are essential for routing purposes.Each domain may have inter domain router and end systems. To make the routing process simplified the administrations of the adjacent domains may combine together to form a single domain sharing a policy and hence making it single. Administrative domains are part of ATN where they are managed by a single authority.This administrative domains are either the Civil Aviation Authority ,an Air traffic controller or an international aeronautical communication service provider (IACSP) A routing domain may have the following characteristics. All informations regarding the connectivity and quality of the service related with the internal systems are are exchanged without any restrictions. With in a domain ,selected routes(the common routes to the other systems lying outside the domains ) may be advertised by a BIS router. These routes advertised by the BIS routers to the other routers that lie outside the domains are controlled by a policy that enforced by the advertising BIS router . The figure gives an example of an ATN domain Thus the very basic essentials of a data network that is used to exchange informations was discussed. In next chapters VHF which is used as a physical transfer medium is discussed .
Friday, January 17, 2020
Eia Malaysia
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) Procedure and Requirements in Malaysia CONTENTS Page I. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT What is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Why do we need EIA? Which activities are subject to EIA How to conduct EIA II. THE EIA PROCEDURE IN MALAYSIA Integrated Project Planning Concept How is EIA Report Processed and Approved ? Organisational Structure Preliminary EIA Reports Detailed EIA Reports Classification of Projects by Timing of EIA Report Submission (Project Planning Cycle) Consultation III. ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO EIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 4 4 5 9 9 9LIST OF FIGURES 1 2 3a 3b Outline of Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure in Malaysia Integrated Project Planning Concept Organisational Structure of EIA Report Processing and Approval Procedure at State Offices Organisational Structure of EIA Report Processing and Approval Procedure at the Department of Environment Headquarters Organisational Structure of Detailed EIA Report Processing and Approval Pr ocedure LIST OF TABLES 1 2a 2b 2c Classification of Projects by Timing of EIA Report Submission (Project Planning Cycle) Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Defined by Quantum) Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Defined by Project Size) Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Not Defined by Unit of Measure) 3 4 4 5 3c 6 7 11 12 13 ii LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1 Environmental Quality Act, 1974 1985) Section 34a 2 Environmental Quality Act, 1974. Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987 Offices of the Department of Environment Page (Amendment, 14 16 21 3 iii I. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT What is Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)? EIA is a study to identify, predict, evaluate and communicate information about the impacts on the environment of a proposed project and to detail out the mitigating measures prior to project approval and implementation.Why do we need EIA? EIA is essentially a planning tool for preventing environmental problems due to an action. It seeks to avoid costly mistakes in project implementation, either because of the environmental damages that are likely to arise during project implementation, or because of modifications that may be required subsequently in order to make the action environmentally acceptable. In Malaysia, EIA is required under section 34A, Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (APPENDIX 1). EIA when integrated into the existing planning and decision-making machinery, provides additional information towards better decision-making. Which activities are subject to EIA?Activities subject to EIA are prescribed under the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order, 1987 (APPENDIX 2). A copy of this Order may be obtained from the Government Printers or from any office of the Department of Environment (APPENDIX 3). How to conduct EIA? To assist you in the preparation of environmental impact assessment reports, you may refer to ââ¬Å"A Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelinesâ⬠and EIA guidelines for specific activities published by the Department of Environment. II. THE EIA PROCEDURE IN MALAYSIA The EIA procedure adopted in Malaysia consists of three major steps.The steps in the EIA procedure, which are shown in Figure 1, can be described as follows: Preliminary assessment relates to the initial assessment of the impacts due to those activities that are prescribed. Preliminary assessment is the stage of the EIA procedure that should normally be initiated at the pre-feasibility study stage of the development of an activity. Project options are identified at this stage and any significant residual environmental impacts are made known. The preliminary report that is prepared is reviewed by a technical committee in the DOE internally. However, where expertise within the Department is lacking, assistance from other government and non-government agencies may be sought.Detailed assessment is undertaken for those projects for which significant residual environmental impacts have been predicted in the preliminary assessment. The assessment should ideally continue during project feasibility, and the detailed EIA Report be submitted for approval by the Director General of Environmental Quality prior to the giving of approval by the relevant Federal or State Government authority for the implementation of the project. Detailed assessment is carried out based on specific terms of reference issued by an ad hoc Review Panel appointed by the Director General. The EIA Report that is prepared is reviewed by the ad hoc Review Panel chaired by the Director General.Review of EIA Reports is carried out internally by the DOE for preliminary assessment reports and by an ad hoc Review Panel for detailed assessment reports. Recommendations arising out of the review are transmitted to the relevant project approving authorities for consideration in making a decision on the project. The normal period allocated for a review of a preliminary assessment report is one month while that for a detailed assessment report is two months. The DOE maintains a list of experts who may be called upon to sit as 1 members of any Review Panel established. The selection of the experts depends on the areas of environmental impacts to be reviewed.Other main features of the EIA procedure as shown in Figure 1 include the following: The Approving Authority is the Government Authority that has the task of deciding, whether or not a project should proceed. The authorities include the following: 1. The National Development Planning Committee (NDPC) for Federal Government sponsored projects; 2. The State Executive Council (EXCO) for State Government sponsored projects; 3. The various Local Authorities or Regional Development Authorities (RDA) with respect to planning approval within their re spective area; and 4. The Ministry of Trade and Industry or MIDA for industrial projects. Recommendations arising from the review of the EIA Reports are forwarded to the relevant project approving authorities.At the completion of the review period for a detailed EIA, a Detailed Assessment Review Document is issued by the Review Panel. This document may include: 1. Comments on the Detailed Assessment report; 2. Recommendations to the project proponent and the project approving authority including any specific conditions attached to the project approval; and 3. Recommendations for environmental monitoring and auditing. Integrated Project Planning Concept The EIA Procedure in Malaysia is designed to follow the Integrated Project Planning Concept as shown in Figure 2. The features of the concept include the following: 1. At the onset, during the project identification stage, the need to conduct an EIA study is also determined. 2.If the project requires Preliminary Assessment, it is done in parallel with the Pre-feasibility Study for the project. 3. Similarly, if Detailed Assessment is required, it is conducted as part of the Feasibility Study for the project. 4. The Preliminary Assessment and Detailed Assessment reports are reviewed simultaneously with the Pre-feasibility and Feasibility reports respectively, before a final decision on the project is made. During project construction and project operation environmental monitoring is carried out. 2 3 The concept is recommended to be followed to minimise project delay and improve project planning. How are EIA Reports Processed and Approved?Organisational Structure As of 1st January 1994, all Preliminary EIA Reports are processed and approved by the Department of Environment State Offices except for Kedah and Perlis. EIA Reports for Kedah and Perlis and those for projects within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and projects involving more than one state are processed by officers at the Department of Environment Head quarters. All Detailed EIA Reports are processed and approved at Headquarters. Preliminary EIA Reports Figure 3a illustrates the organisational structure of the Preliminary EIA Report processing and approval procedure at the Department of Environment State Offices. The organisational structure is headed by the State Director.He is responsible for approving or rejecting an EIA Report. One-Stop Agency meetings with other relevant agencies or departments are held when necessary. Comments and verifications from relevant agencies or departments are sought for certain cases. The State Director is assisted by Environmental Control Officers and Assistant Environmental Control Officers. Figure 3a. Organisational Structure of EIA Report Processing and Approval Procedure at State Offices Figure 3b shows the organisational structure of the EIA Report processing and approval procedure at the Department of Environment Headquarters. The organisational set-up is headed by the Director of Prevention Division.He is assisted by the Head of Evaluation Section and Senior Environmental Control Officers chairing the EIA Technical Committee meeting. The EIA Technical Committee is an in-house committee set 4 up to examine the Preliminary EIA Reports. One-Stop Agency meetings with relevant departments or agencies are held when necessary. Comments and verifications from the departments or agencies are acquired when necessary. The Committee formulates recommendations to the Director of Prevention Division on the acceptability of the Preliminary EIA Report. Detailed EIA Reports Figure 3c illustrates the organisational structure of the Detailed EIA Report processing and approval procedure.The Organisational set-up is headed by the Director General of Environment Quality who is responsible for approving or rejecting the EIA report. He is assisted by the Director of Prevention Division, who also functions as Secretary to the Detailed EIA ad hoc Review Panel. The Chairman of this panel is the Director General of Environmental Quality. The Detailed EIA Review Panelââ¬â¢s main task is to critically review Detailed EIA Reports and formulate recommendations to the relevant project approving authority. The Detailed EIA Review Panel is established on an ad hoc basis specifically for a particular project. The panel comprises independent members of relevant disciplines, from different organisations such as Universities and Non-Governmental organisations.Detailed EIA Reports are also displayed at all Department of Environment Offices, as well as public and university libraries for public comments. The public are widely notified through the mass media when and where the Detailed EIA Reports are available for review and comment. The Evaluation (EIA) section which is headed by a Principal Assistant Director comprises EIA Report Processing Desk Officers assisted by Assistant Environmental Control Officers. The desk officers are trained in different disciplines including Environme ntal Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Studies, Physics, Economics, Sociology and Ecology. 5 6TABLE 1 CLASSIFICATION OF EIA REPORTS BY TIMING OF SUBMISSION (PROJECT PLANNING CYCLE) PROJECT PLANNING CYCLE Project Identification Sourcing for Technology or Licence Pre-feasibility/ Siting Decision Feasibility/Project Design REPORT CLASSIFICATION 0 1 EIA ISSUE ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING CYCLE Exploring environmentally sound projects Assessment for environmentally sound technology Base line study and submission of preliminary assessment report Extended cost benefit analysis and submission of complete or detailed EIA report EIA report to be approved by the Director General of DOE, prior to licence to be granted by relevant government agencies, or lease to be given, land conversion or change of ownership approval by State Government Budget appro val Contract 4 Are sufficient environmental specifications and safeguard incorporated in contract documents and agreements? Is the design complying with all the specifications? PROJECT APPROVAL Is the project environmentally sound? Is the technology most advanced and clean? Is the proposed site environmentally least sensitive? Own approval or Memorandum of Understanding Business transactions, technology transfer and licence agreement DOE clearance 2 3 Does the project design incorporate all the required pollution control and other environment mitigating measures?Written permission Detailed Design 5 Submission of plans on pollution control and other environmental mitigating measures Tendering 6 Is sufficient budget provided for environmental control and other environmental mitigating measures in the tender exercise and award? Are project development and construction closely supervised? Does the project meeting all set standards and conditions? Is the project fully complying with the imposed standards all the time? Are there significant residual environmental impacts? ââ¬â Development and Construction Commissioning 7 Environmental monitoring Approval by land, resources, safety, health, environment and local authorities Certification by safety, health, environment, and local authorities ââ¬â 8Continuation of monitoring and project auditting Source and environmental monitoring Operation and Maintenance Abandonment/End of Project Line 9 x Continued environmental monitoring Approval by the relevant Federal, State and Environment Authorities 7 Key Classification 1 ââ¬â High Distinction 2 ââ¬â Distinction 3 ââ¬â High Credit 4 5 6 ââ¬â Credit ââ¬â Simple Credit ââ¬â Low Credit 7 ââ¬â Low Pass 8 ââ¬â Just Pass 9 ââ¬â Fail 8 Classification of Projects by Timing of EIA Report Submission (Project Planning Cycle) In order to integrate the environmental dimension in the project planning or designing process, the timing of submissio n of an EIA Report to the Department of Environment for approval is vital.The proper timing of submission of an EIA Report is essential so as not to cause any major disruption to the overall project planning cycle. The project initiator is encouraged to submit the EIA Report as early as at the project identification stage to enable recommendations on environmental changes or modifications to the project plan to be incorporated. On the other hand, submission of an EIA Report towards the end of the project planning cycle will reduce the value of an EIA, and possibly increase environmental costs or delay implementation of the project. In order to guide project proponents, a classification system for EIA reports has been made in accordance with time of submission as tabulated in Table 1.The timing of submission of an EIA Report corresponding to the stage of project planning cycle has been divided into nine classifications. The nine classifications are ranked from ââ¬Ëhigh distinction ââ¬â¢ to ââ¬Ëfailureââ¬â¢. In addition, the corresponding environmental issues, and requirements for project approval have also been identified for the various stages of project planning. For example, the submission of an EIA Report at the stage of project identification or sourcing for technology is classified as Class 1 and given ââ¬Ëhigh distinctionââ¬â¢, whilst reports submitted towards the end of project construction or commissioning falls under Class 8 and is ranked ââ¬Ëlow passââ¬â¢.An EIA Report submitted at the commencement of the project identification stage will give an opportunity to project planners to exhaust environmental issues and to find solutions to them prior to project implementation. In instances where undesirable significant adverse environmental impacts are identified, alternatives which are environmentally acceptable should be found. This exercise should be repeated until an acceptable solutions is found. Consultation Although there is n o requirement for notification and a project proponent is under no formal obligation to consult the Department of Environment about his proposal before submission of his EIA Report, there are practical reasons for doing so.The Department of Environment and other relevant departments will often possess useful information in particular, data on environmental quality, local problems, as well as aspects of the project most likely to be of concern and requiring emphasis in the EIA Report. It would be beneficial for all concerned if project approval authorities can advise potential project proponents as soon as a project is conceived to check with the Department of Environment to ascertain if EIA is required. By doing this, the issues of timing and delay can be avoided. III. ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO EIA The Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activites) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 1987 which is made under powers conferred by section 34A of the Environmental Quality Act, 1974 (Amend ment) 1985 specifies those activities that are subject to EIA.Nineteen categories of activities are prescribed and these include those related to: agriculture, airport, drainage and irrigation, land reclamation, fisheries, forestry, housing, industry, infrastructure, ports, mining, petroleum, power generation, quarries, railways, transportation, resort and recreational development, waste treatment and disposal, and water supply. Many of the activities related to these nineteen categories are defined in terms of project size (as area), capacity (quantum) while others are not defined by any unit of measure. Hence, to assist project initiators or project approving authorities to make quick decisions on whether a proposed activity is subject to the Act or otherwise, three simple checklists have been prepared as follows: a) Activities defined by quantum (Table 2a); 9 b) Activities defined by project size (Table 2b); and c) Activities not defined by unit of measure (Table 2c). 10Table 2a Malaysia: Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Defined by Quantum) Quantum 60000 5000 4500 200 100 100 100 100 50 50 50 30 10 Unit Barrel Tonne Cubicmetres Tonnes/ day Family Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ day Tonnes/ hour Megawatts Activity Construction of product depot for storage of petrol, gas or diesel Shipyards Groundwater development for industrial, agricultural or urban water supply Iron and steel industries using scrap iron Agricultural programmes necessitating resettlement Chemical production industries Lime production industries using rotary kiln Iron and steel industries using iron ore Non ferrous industries other than aluminium and copper Lime production industries using vertical kiln Pulp and paper industry Cement industries Construction of steam generated power stations using fossil fuels 8 (c) 8 (d) 8 (g) 8 (d) 1 (b) 8 (a) 8 (d) 8 (e) Number 12 (e) 8 (f) 19 (b) 8 (e) 13 (a) 11 Table 2b Malay sia: Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Defined by Project Size) Project Size Unit Activity Number 5000 Hectare 500 Hectare 500 Hectare 500 Hectare 400 Hectare 250 Hectare 200 Hectare 200 100 100 80 50 50 Hectare Family Hectare Room Hectare Hectare 50 Hectare 50 Hectare 50 Hectare 50 Hectare 50 50 50 40 Hectare Hectare Kilometre Hectare 2. 5 KilometreIrrigation schemes Land development schemes to bring forest land into agricultural production Development of agricultural estates involving changes in types of agricultural use Logging Construction of dams and hydroelectric power scheme reservoirs Mining of mineral in new areas Construction of dams and man-made lakes and artificial enlargement of lakes Construction of dams or impounding reservoirs Agricultural programmes necessitating resettlement Drainage of wetland, wild-life habitat or virgin forest Construction of coastal resort facilities or hotel Coastal reclamation Land-based aquaculture projects accompanied by clearing of mangrove swamp forest Conversion of hill forest land to other land use Conversion of mangrove swamps for industrial, housing, or agricultural use Housing development Industrial estate development for medium and heavy industries Sand dredging Hill station resort or hotel development Construction of off-shore and on-shore pipeline Construction of dams and hydroelectric power schemes with dams over 15 metres high Construction of airports 3 (c) 1 (a) 1 (c) 6 (c) 13 (b) ii 11 (a) 3 (a) 19 (a) 1 (b) 3 (b) 17 (a) 4 5 (c) 6 (a) 6 (d) 7 9 (b) 11 (c) 17 (b) 12 (b) 13 (b)i 2 (a) 12 Table 2c Malaysia: Summary of Activities Subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (Activities Not Defined by Unit of Measure) Prescribed Activity AIRPORT FISHERIES Activity Airstrip development in state and national parks Construction of fishing harbours Harbour expansion involving an increase of 0 per cent or more in fish landing capacity per annum Logging or conversion of fore st land to other land use within the catchment area of reservoirs used for municipal water supply, irrigation or hydropower generation or in areas adjacent to state and national parks and national marine parks Clearing of mangrove swamps on islands adjacent to national marine parks Petrochemicals industries ââ¬â all sizes Primary smelting of aluminium and copper ââ¬â all sizes Construction of hospitals with outfall into beachfronts used for recreational purposes Construction of expressways Construction of national highways Construction of new townships Construction of ports Port expansion involving an increase of 50 per cent or more in handling capacity per annum Ore processing including concentrating for aluminium, copper, gold or tantalum Oil and gas fields development Construction of oil and gas separation, processing, handling and storage facilities Construction of oil refineries Construction of combined cycle power stations Construction of nuclear-fueled power stations Number 2 (b) 5 (a) 5 (b) FORESTRY 6 (b) 6 (e) 8 (b) 8 (c) 9 (a) 9 (c) 9 (d) 9 (e) 10 (a) 10 (b) INDUSTRY INFRASTRUCTURE PORTS MINING 11 (b) 12 (a) 12 ( c) 12 (d) 13 (c) 13 (d) PETROLEUM POWER GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION 13Table 2c (Continuation) Prescribed Activity QUARRIES Activity Proposed quarrying of aggregate limestone, silica, quartzite, sandstone, marble and decorative building stone within 3 kilometres of any existing residential, commercial or industrial areas, or any area for which a licence, permit or approval has been granted for residential, commercial or industrial development Construction of new routes Construction of branch lines Construction of Mass Rapid Transport projects Number 14 15 (a) 15 (b) 16 RAILWAYS TRANSPORTATION RESORT AND RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Development of tourist or recreational facilities in national parks 17 (c) Development of tourist or recreational facilities on islands in surrounding waters which are gazetted as national marine parks 17 (d)WA STE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL (Toxic and Hazardous Waste) Construction of incineration plant Construction of recovery plant (off-site) Construction of wastewater treatment plant (off-site) Construction of secure landfill facility Construction of storage facility (off-site) Construction of incineration plant Construction of composting plant Construction of recovery/recycling plant Construction of municipal solid waste landfill facility Construction of wastewater treatment plant Construction of marine outfall 18 (a)i 18 (a)ii 18 (a)iii 18 (a)iv 18 (a)v 18 (b)i 18 (b)ii 18 (b)iii 18 (b)iv 18 (c)i 18 (c)ii (Municipal Solid Waste) (Municipal Sewage) 14 APPENDIX 1 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, 1974 (AMENDMENT, 1985) SECTION 34A The Environmental Quality (Amendment) Act 1985, amended the Environmental Quality Act, 1974.Amendments include the insertion of section 34A which requires any person intending to carry out any prescribed activity to submit report on the impact on the environment to the D irector General of Environmental Quality for examination. The Amendment act was gazetted on 9 January 1986 and section 34A reads as follows:ââ¬Å"34A (1) The Minister, after consultation with the Council, may by order prescribe any activity which have significant environment impact as prescribed activity. Any person intending to carry out any of the prescribed activities shall, before any approval for the carrying out of such activity is granted by the relevant approving authority, submit a report to the Director General.The report shall be in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the Director General and shall contain an assessment of the impact such activity will have or is likely to have on the environment and the proposed measures that shall be undertaken to prevent, reduce or control the adverse impact on the environment. If the Director General on examining the report and after making such inquiries as he considers necessary, is of the opinion that the report satisfies the requirements of subsection (2) and that the measures to be undertaken to prevent, reduce or control the adverse impact on the environment are adequate, he shall approve the report, with or without conditions attached thereto, and shall inform the person intending to carry out the prescrived activity and the relevant approving authorities accordingly.If the Director General, on examining the report and after making such inquiries as he considers necessary, is of the opinion that the report does not satisfy the requirements of subsection (2) or that the measures to be undertaken to prevent, reduce or control the adverse impact on the environment are inadequate, he shall not approve the report and shall give his reasons therefore and shall inform the person intending to carry out the prescribed activity and the relevant approving authorities accordingly. Provided that where such report is not approved it shall not preclude such person from revising and re-submitting the revised re port to the Director General for the approval. The Director General may if he considers it necessary require more than one report to be submitted to him for his approval. Any person intending to carry out a prescribed activity shall not carry out such activity until the report required under this section to be submitted to the Director General has been submitted and approved.If the Director General approves the report, the person carrying out the prescribed activity, in the course of carrying out such activity, shall provide sufficient proof that the conditions attached to the report (if any) are being complied with and that the proposed measures to be taken to prevent, reduce or control the adverse impact on the environment are being incorporated into the design, construction and operation of the prescribed activity. Any person who contravenes this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years or both and to a further fine of one thousand ringgit for every day that the offence is continued after a notice by the Director General requiring him to comply with the act specified therein has been served upon him. â⬠15 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 16 APPENDIX 2 P. U. A) 362 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, 1974 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (PRESCRIBED ACTIVITES) (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT) ORDER 1987 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 34A of the Environmental Quality Act 1974, the Minister, after consultation with the Environmental Quality Council, makes the following order: 1. This order may be cited as the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order, 1987 and shall come into force on the 1st April 1988. 2. The activities specified in the Schedule are prescribed to be prescribed activities. SCHEDULE 1. AGRICULTURE (a) Land development schemes covering an area of 500 hectares or more to bring forest land into agricultural production. Agricultural programmes necessitating the resettlement of 100 families or more.Development of agricultural estates covering an area of 500 hectares or more involving changes in types of agricultural use. (b) (c) 2. AIRPORT (a) (b) Construction of airports (having an airstrip of 2,500 metres or longer) Airstrip development in state and national parks. 3. DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION (a) Construction of dams and man-made lakes and artificial enlargement of lakes with surface area of 200 hectares or more. Drainage of wet land, wild-life habitat or of virgin forest covering an area of 100 hectares or more. Irrigation schemes covering an area of 5,000 hectares or more. (b) (c) 4. LAND RECLAMATION Coastal reclamation involving an area of 50 hectares or more. 5.FISHERIES (a) Construction of fishing harbours. 17 (b) Harbour expansion involving an increase of 50 per cent or more in fish landing capacity per annum. Land based aquaculture projects accompanied by clear ing of mangrove swamp forests covering an area of 50 hectares or more. (c) 6. FORESTRY (a) (b) Conversion of hill land to other land use covering an area of 50 hectares of more. Logging or conversion of forest land to other land use within the catchment area of reservoirs used for municipal water supply, irrigation or hydro-power generation or in areas adjacent to state and national parks and national marine parks. Logging covering an area of 500 hectares or more.Conversion of mangrove swamps for industrial, housing or agriculture use covering an area of 50 hectares or more. Clearing of mangrove swamps on islands adjacent to national marine parks. (c) (d) (e) 7. HOUSING Housing development covering an area of 50 hectares or more. 8. INDUSTRY (a) Chemical ââ¬â Where production capacity of each product or of combined product is greater than 100 tonnes/day. ââ¬â All sizes. ââ¬â Primary smelting: Alluminium Copper Others (b) (c) Petrochemicals Non-ferrous ââ¬â all sizes. ââ¬â all sizes. ââ¬â producing 50 tonnes/day and above of products. for clinker throughput of 30 tonnes/hour and above. ââ¬â 100 tonnes/day and above burnt lime rotary kiln or 50 tonnes/day and above vertical kiln. (d) Non-metallic ââ¬â Cement ââ¬â Lime e) Iron and steel ââ¬â Require iron ore as raw materials for production greater than 100 tonnes/day; or ââ¬â Using scrap iron as raw materials for production greater than 200 tonnes/day ââ¬â Dead Weight Tonnages greater than 5,000 tonnes. 18 (f) Shipyards (g) Pulp and paper industry ââ¬â Production capacity greater than 50 tonnes/day 9. INFRASTRUCTURE (a) (b) Construction of hospitals with outfall into beachfronts used for recreational purposes. Industrial estate development for medium and heavy industries covering an area of 50 hectares or more. Construction of expressways. Construction of national highways. Construction of new townships. (c) (d) (e) 10.PORTS (a) (b) Construction of ports. Port e xpansion involving an increase of 50 per cent or more in handling capacity per annum. 11. MINING (a) Mining of minerals in new areas where the mining lease covers a total area in excess of 250 hectares. Ore processing, including concentrating for aluminium, copper, gold, or tantalum. Sand dredging involving an area of 50 hectares or more. (b) (c) 12. PETROLEUM (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Oil and gas fields development. Construction of off-shore and on-shore pipelines in excess of 50 kilometres in length. Construction of oil and gas separation, processing, handling, and storage facilities. Construction of oil refineries.Construction of product depots for the storage of petrol, gas or diesel (excluding service stations) which are located within 3 kilometre of any commercial, industrial or residential areas which have a combined storage capacity of 60,000 barrels or more. 13. POWER GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION (a) Construction of steam generated power stations burning fossil fuels and having a capacity of more than 10 megawatts. Dams and hydroelectric power schemes with either or both of the following: i) dams over 15 metres high and ancillary structures covering a total area in excess of 40 hectares. 19 (b) ii) (c) (d) 14. reservoirs with a surface area in excess of 400 hectares. Construction of combined cycle power stations. Construction of nuclear-fueled stations.QUARRIES Proposed quarrying of aggregate, limestone, silica, quartzite, sandstone, marble and decorative building stone within 3 kilometres of any existing residential, commercial or industrial areas, or any area for which a licence, permit or approval has been granted for residential, commercial or industrial development. 15. RAILWAYS (a) Construction of new routes. (b) Construction of branch lines. 16. TRANSPORTATION Construction of Mass Rapid Transport projects. 17. RESORT AND RECREATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (a) (b) (c) (d) Construction of coastal resort facilities or hotels with more than 80 rooms. Hill station r esort or hotel development covering an area of 50 hectares or more.Development of tourist or recreational facilities in national parks. Development of tourist or recreational facilities on islands in surrounding waters which are gazetted as national marine parks. 18. WASTE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL (a) Toxic and Hazardous Waste i) Construction of incineration plant. ii) Construction of recovery plant (off-site). iii) Construction of wastewater treatment plant (off-site). iv) Construction of secure landfill facility. v) Construction of storage facility (off-site). Municipal Solid Waste i) Construction of incineration plant. ii) Construction of composting plant. iii) Construction of recovery/recycling plant. iv) Construction of municipal solid waste landfill facility.Municipal Sewage i) Construction of wastewater treatment plant. ii) Construction of marine outfall. (b) (c) 19. WATER SUPPLY 20 (a) (b) Construction of dams or impounding reservoirs with a surface area of 200 hectares or mor e. Groundwater development for industrial, agricultural or urban water supply of greater than 4,500 cubic metres per day. Made on the 30th September, 1987. [KST & AS(U) 902/JAS/4(2); PN. (PU2)280/111] DATUK AMAR STEPHEN K. T. YONG, Minister of Science, Technology and the Environment 21 APPENDIX 3 OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT For further information and enquiries, you may contact the following offices: HEADQUARTERS DirectorGeneral Department of Environment 12th & 13th Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50662 KUALA LUMPUR Tel: 03-2947844 Tlx: MOSTEC MA 28154 Fax: 603-2931480/2937655 Cable ââ¬Å"SEKITARâ⬠Kuala Lumpur STATE OFFICES Director Department of Environment Selangor/Wilayah Persekutuan 17th Floor, Wisma MPSA Persiaran Perbandaran 40000 SHAH ALAM Tel: 03-5594787/5594788 Fax: 03-5594788 Director Department of Environment Johor 23rd Floor, Kompleks Tun Abdul Razak Jalan Wong Ah Fook 80000 JOHOR BAHRU Tel: 07-2226723/2224431 Fax: 07-2230567 Director Departme nt of Environment Pahang 4th Floor, Bangunan Asia Life Jalan Tekul Sisek 25000 KUANTAN Tel: 09-529211/529075 Fax: 09-529075 Director Department of Environment Trengganu/Kelantan Lot 2, 5th Floor Bangunan Tabung Haji/Bank Pertanian Jalan Sultan Ismail 20200 KUALA TERENGGANU Tel: 09-6227877 Fax: 09-6226877 Director Department of Environment Kedah/Perlis 22Aras 1, Menara Zakat Jalan Teluk Wanjah 05200 ALOR SETAR Tel: 04-7332832 Fax: 04-7337530 Director Department of Environment Pulau Pinang 5th & 6th Floor, Wisma Peladang Jalan Kampong Gajah 12200 BUTTERWORTH Tel: 04-340441 Fax: 04-316078 Director Department of Environment Perak 9th Floor, Bangunan Seri Kinta Jalan Sultan Idris Shah 30000 IPOH Tel: 05-2542744 Fax: 05-2558595 Director Department of Environment Melaka 2nd Floor, Bangunan Graha Maju Jalan Tan Chay Yan 75300 MELAKA Tel: 06-247825 Fax: 06-247845 Director Department of Environment Negeri Sembilan 3rd Floor, Block C Wisma Negeri 70503 SEREMBAN Tel: 06-722311 Fax: 06-731397 Di rector Department of Environment Sabah 7th Floor, Block E, Bangunan KUWASA Jalan Karamunsing 88000 KOTA KINABALU Tel: 088-250122 Fax: 088-241170 Director Department of Environment Sarawak 9th Floor, Bangunan Sultan Iskandar Jalan Simpang Tiga 93592 KUCHING Tel: 082-418535 Fax: 082-422863 23
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Summary of The Donner Party Film by TJ Martin Free Essay Example, 1750 words
Alexi scritique is still relevant today in that Americans already have enough but they still insist on adding more by innovating high tech machines and using cutting end technology. At this rate, people predict that America will self-destruct. Lansford W. Hastings was a main character in the Donner party. He is widely known for convincing the Donner party travellers using his self-made maps. His maps included a shortcut called Hastings cutoff (Graphic Library). His purpose for writing and promoting his emigrants to California is because he had earlier visited these areas and had noticed the place was undeveloped. Thus in aiding emigrants he saw prosperity that came with them settling in California because of the developments he would make. In his guide book, Hastings described California as a rich place with good soils and rich fertile mountains and valleys and plains which are rich in alluvial soil from the Nile river (Stewart, 95). The stones are only marble, basalt and other ston es that can be used instead of soap. He says its land is arable and pasturable lands thus peculiarly suited (Hastings, 151). Generally, Hastings praises California and builds an amazing picture almost perfect picture of California. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of The Donner Party Film by TJ Martin or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page It has been argued that it was innate and insatiable desire and the innate desires of men to have greed for money and wealth that they make a foolish decision, in this case, to reach their journey quickly and attain their hearts desires. The impact of that decision is that they get stuck and take a while month to cross the salt lake.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
A brave group of young men and women, black and white...
A brave group of young men and women, black and white alike traveled through the south to support black rights (Adamson 39-70). Contributors did not use violence or fight to make a difference (Adamson 39-70). They simply avoided the hate and anger they somehow held inside. Riders traveled through many states, carrying with them a motive, which they were on this ride. Blacks had rights too. The patriotic group the Freedom Riders traveled non-stop towards the south to fight for African Americans. Men and women left knowing they might not come back to their families. There was thirteen riders total on the bus. There were seven blacks and 6 whites. Some riders left wills and letters behind for their loved ones (McHhorter 61-66). Blackâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The riders that were chosen were up for a lot. Making your way and suddenly your life is in danger. First stop was in North Carolina. There was no violence from North Carolina to Virginia (Adamson 39-70). Aniston, Alabama was w here serious violence started. After members were released from a hospital, for their injuries, members switched to two different busses for safety (Adamson 39-70). Planning to arrive in New Orleans on May 17, 1961, riders were easily delayed by the mobs in Anniston and Birmingham, Alabama. The Anniston attack would slow young contributorsââ¬â¢ bus down by many days (Adamson 39-70). Soon later the rides ended but, memory of brave, young, riders lives on forever. Imagine, traveling through the most racial violent state when you were fighting for black rights. Burmingham and Anniston, Alabama was more violent out of all the cities. The biggest attacks and the most violence happened there (Stoper). In Anniston, Alabama members were attacked in the most violent ways ever imagined (Stoper). Buses tires were slashed, they were even trapped in the bus. White attackers threw a bomb in the bus with hopes the riders would be burned alive (Stoper). Participants barely escaped with their l ives when they crawled out the back of the bus at the last second (Stoper). When finally out of the bus, they were almost beaten by the white mob. One of members was beaten so badly he was crippled for life (Stoper). Later that week, riders were jailed forShow MoreRelatedReconstruction : The Burning Years10732 Words à |à 43 PagesEric Fonerââ¬â¢s landmark 1988 book, titled simply Reconstruction, and it upended everything I thought I knew. African Americans had little peace between Appomattox and Plessy. White supremacists contested black civil rights from 1865 onward. Reconstruction, in Eric Fonerââ¬â¢s telling, was a story of white Americansââ¬â¢ hatred of black Americans, combined with the failure of all too many politicians to stave off the coming of Jim Crow. 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